Thursday, November 19, 2009

Entertainment in an entertaining way?

Entertainment covers fields like movies which have a naturally entertaining form. For example, a movie is instinctively entertaining through its audio-visual presentation.

However, when it comes to entertainment news – presentation is quite basic. Many news websites include an entertainment section featuring interesting news, but do not use any presentation features beyond text and pictures.

Should entertainment news be presented in an entertaining way?

There are more new media advances nowadays like YouTubeDirect which help websites present news in a more engaging manner. YouTubeDirect allows people to post their YouTube videos on news websites, so news websites can run their stories alongside videos.

An article (included below) gives a good overview of how YouTubeDirect increases video uploading opportunities online. As YouTubeDirect is convenient to use, users would have little trouble uploading their videos.

While users can upload videos of any genre to YouTubeDirect, I believe such a video-uploading platform would be especially relevant to the entertainment section, where attractive entertainment events or celebrities can be shown in action.

Would video-presentation of entertainment news really affect readership, though? Take the Singapore Idol competition. Would you rather read about Charles 'Stitch' Wong winning Singapore Idol, or watch him perform in an accompanying YouTube video before reading the story?

Or would you prefer other presentation forms?

Take the entertainment news poll (found in the right panel), and comment at will :)!

Note: If you choose option D) in the poll, do comment to elaborate on what presentation forms you mean. Thanks!

A new video reporting tool for third-party websites: