Thursday, November 26, 2009


To every Twilight fan: don’t leave my blog the moment you read my next sentence, okay? :D

Robert Pattison is on Twitter! And adding to all the flutter – other celebrities like Ashton Kutcher and Bruce Willis have taken flight on the micro-blogging platform.

New media platforms like Twitter have lifted the curtains of entertainment. Through such socialising sites, fans can go beyond a movie set to read about celebrities' personal thoughts and actions.

What's interesting about this happening on Twitter is the site's character limit. How engaging can a maximum 140-character post be?

Yet Twitter's character limit actually allows celebrities to post snippets of their lives more easily. As posting doesn't demand a lot of effort and time, they can post instinctively and more often, building up a larger picture of their lives for readers.

Celebri-tweets are just one example of how new media is able to give more through less.

The downside is that celebrities risk losing their Twitter followers when they don't post regularly. Bruce Willis' last post, for example, was in June. Since Twitter posts are short, readers view them fast but then wait for more. True to new media's fast-paced lifestyle, Twitter accounts without new posts would be stagnant and bore followers.

I would rather read a celebrity's blog than his Twitter account, though. Through a blog's longer posts I can learn more about a celebrity's personality and thoughts. What about you?

Celebrity Twitter accounts:
Robert Pattison:
Ashton Kutcher:
Bruce Willis:

Celebrity Blogs:
Fann Wong:
Tay Ping Hui:
